I started this painting in 2005. Then I promptly forgot about it. Eight years later I finally finished it. Thus, it took 8 full years to bring this painting to completion.
Venus traces out a perfect 5-fold phi (golden ratio) flower around Earth every 8 years! The central portion of the geometry in this painting (the red and yellow flower) is a representation of the dance of Venus around Earth. If you brought the elliptical orbit of Venus around Earth (or Earth around Venus) and brought it into a circle, this is what its orbit would actually look like. It takes 8 years to bring this beautiful cosmic geometry to completion.
I had no idea at the time I was painting this that my process was mirroring the dance of Earth and Venus – the bringer of love.
Incidentally, the year I began this painting I met my husband (and true love). Five years later we were married. Three years after our marriage I finished this painting. 3, 5 and 8 are all Fibonacci numbers with golden ratios between them.
This painting also represents the extremes of Nature and human civilization and the geometry that binds them together as One.
Visit https://www.cosmic-core.org/ for information about the geometric dances of the planets and information on the golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence, and way, way more!